Product Description

Our product is an app in which you can submit your food allergies into and then it will give you the menus of nearby family owned restaurants so you can view the things that you can eat from them. You can then continue to order the foods that you want from our app and they’ll […]

Product Development

As far as product development comes along, we’re doing really well. We already know all the features that we want to include in the app for now and we know how it’s going to work. We’ve hired people to start working on creating the app for us and so far, they’ve done a great job […]

Revenue Stream

One of the major parts of our project to make sure is good is our revenue stream. Out revenue stream is our flow of money going in and out of our company, but we need to make sure that the money that comes in is always more than our money going out because then we […]


Today in class, we got a calendar showing us what we are going to need to accomplish everyday until December 20th, and today being tuesday, our marketers are going to a meeting telling them about how we are going to complete our business model and how its going to help us in the future of […]


First off, to get the app, you will download it off of the devises app store. Once downloaded, you will make an account and start to put in what your allergies are and your preferable food that you like to eat. After you figure out this information, you can select your food that you can […]


Our apps name and development has gone through many phases, and we are still yet to pick one that suits its description. We have come up with a new name, Queue, which would fit our title and look modern for our logo, but we are still possibly looking for another name that could fit better. […]


Our app is solving the problem of people not knowing where to eat food and what they can eat at certain restaurants by giving them what locations they are able to eat from what what food they can eat there. With people having difficulty being able to see what is in their food, it can […]